Does anyone else buy lots of the same items of clothing ?

If I find a top I like, usually black or navy plain and stretch comfy material for example.  I will buy 5 or more of them so I can keep wearing them without having to wear different clothing. 

Does anyone else do this?

  • Yes.... the question is if you mind people seeing you in the same cloths at a workplace or any other ocassions. I would try to consider different colours when you buy the same or nearly the same so that you would seem wearing different cloths and dressing more interesting that way.

  • Thanks for all the replies. So nice to not feel alone with this.

    Yes it is definitely fabric, I need soft and stretchy for comfort.

    I thought it was mainly tops and trousers with me, but realise my jackets mainly look the same too.

    Yes also have 2 pairs of each favourite comfy shoe or boot.

    Yes it's a good idea to get different colours. I  have thought about other people wondering if i dont wear clean tops. I change tops daily but noone would know.

    I do buy different colured trousers  in the same type when I find comfy ones. But also multiple of same colours. 

    But with tops i can only wear plain black or navy. 

    I just don't feel right in other coloured tops. It upsets me I dont feel I can relax. So when my tops need replacing its a bit stressful,  so when I find that perfect combination of comfort and colour i buy loads!!

    I love bright colour dangly earrings as well so hopefully distracts and looks different to others on different days.

    Good to hear all your comments Blush

  • Thanks for all the replies. So nice to not feel alone with this.

    Yes it is definitely fabric, I need soft and stretchy for comfort.

    I thought it was mainly tops and trousers with me, but realise my jackets mainly look the same too.

    Yes also have 2 pairs of each favourite comfy shoe or boot.

    Yes it's a good idea to get different colours. I  have thought about other people wondering if i dont wear clean tops. I change tops daily but noone would know.

    I do buy different colured trousers  in the same type when I find comfy ones. But also multiple of same colours. 

    But with tops i can only wear plain black or navy. 

    I just don't feel right in other coloured tops. It upsets me I dont feel I can relax. So when my tops need replacing its a bit stressful,  so when I find that perfect combination of comfort and colour i buy loads!!

    I love bright colour dangly earrings as well so hopefully distracts and looks different to others on different days.

    Good to hear all your comments Blush

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