Tech outage

Was anyone effected by yesterdays tech outages?

I wasn't, but it did make me think, what would happen, or rather will happen, when another occurs? How will particularly younger people cope, with having to write things down with pen and paper, will they know how to do simple maths in their heads? How many people can read a map? How will people cope not being able to use things like ubereats?

It could get worse too, what if we can't get petrol because the pumps all run the same software, the banks, health services, shops who no longer have manual ordering. How would peple cope with being bounced back to the 1970's?

  • I hate to say this but I fear with a left leaning government 1970,s inflation and tax rates could return it keeps me up at night

  • I had several problems and experiences. 

    1. I travelled by train yesterday and the ticket scanning machines at stations could not scan my online tickets, they were checked manually by staff, causing long delays.
    2. The online NHS app failed in my attempt  to reorder my prescriptions,  there was no online record of my existing repeat prescriptions. 
    3. Today I had problems at Sainsburys at an automated till, I bought orange juice for £1.19 I put in a £20 note and the machine froze.  I waited..  a popup appeared saying there was no connection, would I like to wait or reboot the terminal.   I almost panicked.   After a minute the terminal came to life and gave me my £18.81 in change.
  • I haven't been directly. But I have had a couple of suspicious emails this afternoon, claiming to be from mircosoft. 

  • Yes, getting an emergency prescription to actually arrive at a pharmacy was a nightmare.

  • I heard about it when watching the news, but thankfully wasn't affected by it. My son visited our local shop yesterday on my behalf, and had no difficulty paying with my debit card. Admittedly, this was during the evening.

    The tech outage brings back memories of an incident that happened when I worked at a petrol station just over 30 years ago. Nobody had thought to tell me that there was a mains switch under the counter. During one of my shifts, my knee had inadvertently brushed against the switch. After a frantic phone call to the manager, it was a matter of muddling through as best as I could until he arrived an hour or so later.

    Until the power was turned back on, the petrol pumps and car wash were out of action, resulting in me taping a notice to the window advising that they were out of use. Fortunately, thanks to there being a manual drawer-release button on the till, I was at least able to continue serving customers who didn't need petrol, or want to use the car wash.

    I was thankful to have grown up in an era that was less reliant on technology and accustomed to working things out on paper. It was the one thing than prevented a Hellish situation from getting any worse.

  • I was sound asleep whenever it happened.

    It underlines the need to preserve cash.

    It's the goal of technology to serve Mankind, not the other way round.

  • An interesting question. I was far more affected by a power cut a few years ago that lasted over 12 hours. It affected the whole area, so mobile phone towers were down meaning NO contact with the wider world. It was just after the Ukraine war started and lots of people feared it was a cyber attack and the start of WW3.