Potentially sacked for being Autistic?

My employer is very unhappy that I have insisted on not being discriminated against at work for being Autistic.

I have been told by my union that I may get sacked because I have raised grievances which were upheld...I am a 'problem' for the employer.

I have a 100% positive record at work - no discriplinary action either formally or informaly. I am one of the best employees in my dept as shown by the data they produce about us. Despite the way I have been treated / discriminated against I still work to the best of my ability every siingle day. I often take on some extra work as I am capable of finishing mine early.

It would be "unfair dismissal" and I have union support, so I am fortunate in that respect.

I will fight my corner - I will not accept being sacked because I have stood up for myself.

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