Potentially sacked for being Autistic?

My employer is very unhappy that I have insisted on not being discriminated against at work for being Autistic.

I have been told by my union that I may get sacked because I have raised grievances which were upheld...I am a 'problem' for the employer.

I have a 100% positive record at work - no discriplinary action either formally or informaly. I am one of the best employees in my dept as shown by the data they produce about us. Despite the way I have been treated / discriminated against I still work to the best of my ability every siingle day. I often take on some extra work as I am capable of finishing mine early.

It would be "unfair dismissal" and I have union support, so I am fortunate in that respect.

I will fight my corner - I will not accept being sacked because I have stood up for myself.

  • There are currently laws that should protect you, now that you have a diagnosis. Anything they do now would likely be constructive dismissal which your union should be able to advise you about. They should be able to advise you about the employer's legal responsibilities too. Good luck!

  • Yep - apparently it is something they have done to others in the company though. It's not 100% likely to happen, but there is a worrying chance.

    I get on well with my line manager personally, despite our professional disagreemets over reasonable adjustments, and he rates me as a very good member of the team. This has been stated by him and HR in meetings with union present. They have no valid reason for ending my contract.

    If it does happen, then the union are 100% behind me in taking it futher.

  • Yep - apparently it is something they have done to others in the company though. It's not 100% likely to happen, but there is a worrying chance.

    I get on well with my line manager personally, despite our professional disagreemets over reasonable adjustments, and he rates me as a very good member of the team. This has been stated by him and HR in meetings with union present. They have no valid reason for ending my contract.

    If it does happen, then the union are 100% behind me in taking it futher.
