looking for ideas for digital games design

Hi all here again,

So i've been learning Unity C# for abit over 2 years now, released 4 games over 2 accounts on Itch.io, and working on a big project for nearly 5 months now which im planning on releaseing to Steam once it's more refined / polished to prefection whch is called - Timeless Labyrinth. which is a basic 2D top-down dungeon puzzle game, but somwhat hit a wall, and starting to feel like i need a change, a new ideas.

say if *You* could make any digital game without limations what would you make, and why?

or if you wanna just chat game design stuff and help with my projects or make your own projects feel free to add me on discord: genial8853     


  • My favourite are RPGs like the classic 16 bit Final Fantasy games. These would require lots of story writing and story boarding. 

    I suppose for phones you need something that is quick and easy to get the idea of, like angry birds or other physics based games.

  • My favourite are RPGs like the classic 16 bit Final Fantasy games. These would require lots of story writing and story boarding. 

    I suppose for phones you need something that is quick and easy to get the idea of, like angry birds or other physics based games.

  • I played FF1/2/6/7/8/9 afterwords i never quite like them as much, with them games the hardest part is making a good stroy, quite easy to make them type of games now adays. ( code wise ), it's 3D games which are like 10x more complex.

    tbh good idea for angry birds, or like a cannon firing game of some sort, could add that to my list of ideas, alot of the games i have made are far to complex and not easy to understand for new players, i should really make somthing more user friendly.