When do you become an adult?

Yes we all know when the legal definition is, but to me its about so many other things.

Becoming an adult is a process, and not something that happens on your 18th birthday and as a process it should be respected and acknowleged that it happens differently for different people.

Adulthood is often a cultural and social construct too, some cultures encourage their young to be far more independent than others, should we enforce conformity and if we should who's?

Should we hold someone back from doing "adult" things because they're not 18 even when they're ready?

Parents Reply
  • Being a grown up can be fun, theres no one to tell you not to run with scissors or not to shout in corridors!

    There was always a part of me that felt grown up, that part has grown up with the rest of me, still asking questions, mostly 'why?' and still having fun.

  • theres no one to tell you not to run with scissors or not to shout in corridors!

    I didn't pay much attention to those who tried to stop me back then and could lead them in a merry dance to argue that it was approprate in the circumstances even when I knew it wasn't.

    I must have been a proper pain in the bum back then. Probably still am now I think on it...