
I recently had an experience at work which has (created?) feelings akin to PTSD. My employer is intent on bringing back the source of the PTSD, even though I have explained how this event has effected me. 

To add a bit more clarity, the source of the PTSD is not a fellow employee, but is something that my employer can legitimately make a conscious decision not to bring back. In short: it's avoidable.

I don't think I've been listened to by my employer. As an Autistic adult, I am already hyper fixating on this, and want to avoid it at all cost. I am fearful of it, but feel morally justified enough to try and challenge it.

Any words of advice would be wonderful.

  • My employer is intent on bringing back the source of the PTSD

    Has your employer explained why they are bringing it back? You may not be able to do anything about it except look for another job if they have string business reasons for this thing. E.g. a software application which saves the company hundreds of thousands of pounds per year. In something like this, they could argue that they cannot make a reasonable adjustment which has a negative impact on the business. It is not reasonable to expect a business, whose main purpose is to make a profit, to lose out on saving so much money because it causes an issue for one employee. It doesn't make sense.

    Last time I had something like this, I had to leave. It was hard, painful because I loved the job, but ultimately it was my decision what I was willing to compromise on. My mental health came first, so I had to eliminate the triggering thing.

    So you can challenge it, but work on your back-up plan just in case.