New Things and Thoughts going Round and Round

Hello Again,

I have two issues I wondered if people feel the same.

Do you dread new things.When ever for instance I change my mobile I get so anxious about will it work will everything move across.I actually prefer things that are older and just work.

For instance my SKY plus went wrong.They no longer repair so I am now on SKY Q it is so complex.I am actually avoiding watching TV.Then eventually I will get used to it and Sky will force us on top something else.

My other issue is my OCD mixing with my Autism.This presents in me being obsessional and the worst part for me is my brain is constantly sending me reminders.For instance if I am out say shopping I will remember there are two or three things I need to do.I will then keep saying it silently to myself till I can write it down.I have to have a to do list.if it looks a bit messy I then have to re write it.I have just tonight done my to do list for the rest of the month.I actually like the way it looks, however tomorrow when I start on it if it gets messy or I have to add something, I will end ups re writing it.

My goal is to have nothing on my to do list because I have done everything.I know this is ridiculous but it drives me .I guess when I was working it was my strength and success now it tires me out.

I would be very grateful to hear other peoples views.I also have anxiety so that makes me worry if I have not done something.

I look forward to your thoughts 

  • I totally share your anxieties about tech, to the point where I use as little of it as possible, I don't know why they have to keep "improving" things as it more often makes them more complicated and unusable, with more features that you won't use. I keep a pen and paper notebook with all my phone numbers, addresses and pass words so as I don't have to rely on tech to keep on top of it all. I prefer a map to a satnav, I'd prefer a simple washing machine rather than one with a dozen programs that I never use. Why can't a door bell just be a door bell, why does it have to be smart? 

    I worry about all this smart stuff, smart fridges that link up with your supermarket app and automatically works out what need to go on your shopping list and orders it for you, what happens if you buy something to try and don't like it, how do you tell your fridge to stop ordering it? hat would happen if your fridge got hacked, would you end up with loads of stuff you'd never use snd didn't like, would you be able to send all back and get a refund? Would your fridge and the supermarket fridges get together and conspire against the humans?

    I used to make a lot of lists, now I save them for things like xmas and moving house.

    The freedom of not having anything on a to-do list is unimaginable, the time to be bored, to look ahead and for there to be nothing looming on the horizon. To have the luxury of deciding what I want to do rather than what I have to do and wondering if I will have time and energy to do anything I want to do at the end of it.

    It helped when I realised that many of the things on my have to do list, were actually things put there by others, either through manipulation, persausion or because they're to young or old to do them, gave me the ability to not feel so bad about not doing things. Why should I Wear myself out so as they can be lazy?

  • I totally share your anxieties about tech, to the point where I use as little of it as possible, I don't know why they have to keep "improving" things as it more often makes them more complicated and unusable, with more features that you won't use. I keep a pen and paper notebook with all my phone numbers, addresses and pass words so as I don't have to rely on tech to keep on top of it all. I prefer a map to a satnav, I'd prefer a simple washing machine rather than one with a dozen programs that I never use. Why can't a door bell just be a door bell, why does it have to be smart? 

    I worry about all this smart stuff, smart fridges that link up with your supermarket app and automatically works out what need to go on your shopping list and orders it for you, what happens if you buy something to try and don't like it, how do you tell your fridge to stop ordering it? hat would happen if your fridge got hacked, would you end up with loads of stuff you'd never use snd didn't like, would you be able to send all back and get a refund? Would your fridge and the supermarket fridges get together and conspire against the humans?

    I used to make a lot of lists, now I save them for things like xmas and moving house.

    The freedom of not having anything on a to-do list is unimaginable, the time to be bored, to look ahead and for there to be nothing looming on the horizon. To have the luxury of deciding what I want to do rather than what I have to do and wondering if I will have time and energy to do anything I want to do at the end of it.

    It helped when I realised that many of the things on my have to do list, were actually things put there by others, either through manipulation, persausion or because they're to young or old to do them, gave me the ability to not feel so bad about not doing things. Why should I Wear myself out so as they can be lazy?
