There are some nice kind people in this world

Hi today has been horrible it started off great I went out with one of my autism groups it was a lovely afternoon and a nice day as well. Then in the evening time my anxiety shot up and I lost control I needed one of my friends and they weren’t around and it got to a point where I thought they had been taken ill and were in hospital. I ran to the bus stop and I was crying this nice girl about my age maybe younger comforted me then offered to buy me a bus ticket I thanked her and walked off then my friend messages me in a bad mood nothing to do with me. But my anxiety just got out of control and out of impulse I jumped on the next bus and got off at a random stop walked to the near by park and phoned the Samaritans that helped then I called my friend he was still not himself but we spoke and it helped talking to him. Then I left the park and went to the bus stop sadly limited service and it was late I phoned my friend and begged him to come and get me in his car he just refused I needed help but he wouldn’t help me he said he needed to be on his own so I had to walk back I was walking along the pavement crying and this van pulled up these 2 women asked if I was ok I just broke down and they kindly drove me home. I didn’t know them or anything but they were really kind and took me home. Since then me and my friend have spoken I told him straight that it was cruel that he wouldn’t help me get home he explained his reasons he had an autistic shut down and physically couldn’t get in his car to get me and that was why he was off with me earlier. But never underestimate the kindness of strangers I’ve learnt that today. 

  • I can relate to what you say .I find people we know and family tend to let us down but strangers and professionals don,t.

    I can relate to your anxiety I hate it when I text a friend and they don't get back to me .I too start thinking they have dropped me rather than looking for logical answers.Hopefully therapy will help me.

    Do be careful it sounded like your night was saved by these lovely people.

  • I can relate to what you say .I find people we know and family tend to let us down but strangers and professionals don,t.

    I can relate to your anxiety I hate it when I text a friend and they don't get back to me .I too start thinking they have dropped me rather than looking for logical answers.Hopefully therapy will help me.

    Do be careful it sounded like your night was saved by these lovely people.

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