On Site Censorship

Does anyone else get caught out by writing names or common expressions and then find that they've been automaitically censored? I've had this happen a couple of times and I find it really annoying that I can't use a name or phrase without it being censored, it seems like there's no context to the censorship, just a blanket ban, are we not grown ups who can sort this stuff out for ourselves? I think this site is to nannying at times and yet seems to allow other things to slip through unnoticed.

Parents Reply Children
  • Even some adults might find a post a turn off, and if persisted in, they may avoid reading another member's post entirely, expecting a certain tone they don't like. 

    this I do. The forum is like a smorgasbord. Some dishes I know I will not like and so I pass them by without reading them at all. 

  • Keep in mind that this is not an adults-only community - the rules allow members from age 16

    16 is adult.

    You are old enough to get married (up until 2022 that is), have sex and have kids so I if this is allowed by law then I believe they can be exposed to a few swear words.

    The law in the UK prevents you from purchasing alcohol, watching an 18 rated film or driving a car, but lets you create sentient life and go through the bloodbath of childbirth.

    Swearing seems kind of trivial by comparison.

  • I think it would be a rare 16 year old that hasn't heard far worse than some of the normal words that get censored on here.