Forums for Autistic people


I'm autistic.

Do you know of any other organizations or forums specifically where Autistic people can find and talk to each other?

Sorry, I needed to re-phrase my original question as it could have been misinterpreted.

Thanks for all the responses so far.



  • i know there are a number of posters on this forum who like  to discuss about religion/supernatural as I have posted in their threads on this forum. I myself like this forum a lot as it is an Autism forum with a section for discussion on religious experiences and religion is an interest of mine.

    That is the only one i could personally recommend with Autism, I use both this forum and that forum only.

  • I just had a look at the link you sent and the religion seems exclusively Christian which isn't for me at all, I'm interested in religion and spirituality more generally. I found the lay out a bit unfriendly to view and confusing, (yes I know, I'm easily confused), it was also blighted by adverts.

    Thanks for the link, but really is this as good as it gets? We have all this technology and ever more ways to communicate and I fell more isolated than when you had to look at notice boards in the post office, local shop or library to find groups with common interests.

  • When I use that website I used adblocker and No Script because of the adverts, I don't like them either. The religion forum really depends on what you post. Anyone is free to start their own posts on anything.

    There is Wrongplanet as well, I'm joined to that to, just haven't posted anything there.

  • When I use that website I used adblocker and No Script because of the adverts, I don't like them either. The religion forum really depends on what you post. Anyone is free to start their own posts on anything.

    There is Wrongplanet as well, I'm joined to that to, just haven't posted anything there.

  • Thanks. I'll look into this.

  • If it's not obvious I am Rachie on the autismforums. I mainly post in the religion forum. I have other interests as well. I have posted a few religion threads, I have nothing more to post as it was on my mind. These things come in waves. It is sister website as well of a major Christian forum called Christian forums. Both forums complimement eachother to me, no threats. This forum seems more European to me and the posters a lot seem to come from the US. I really need both. I'm sure if you searched you may find some other religous supernatural topics.