Expressing myself - how do you do it too?

I’ve learnt very recently that writing poems is something I enjoy and a great way to express my feelings and feel less overwhelmed. Does anybody else have any different ways they find help? 

Here is a poem I wrote this morning called one part of me: 

Sprung full of laughter, the core and the soul,

Bouncing through life, scoring goal after goal,

The 9-5 drain, the normal domain,

Friendly greetings, daily meetings,

No fear of the hurdles, an ever widening circle,

The sea of new faces, and ready to embrace it,

Sparkles flying out for all to see,

But that is Infact, just one part of me.


The social butterfly, the occasional firefly,

Wanting to over simplify, to not misidentify,

Playing life through a script, not wanting to encrypt,

Everything outstripped, to try and be non-descript,

The constant question of to be myself or to flee,

Is forever on my mind and just one part of me.


What is the other part, I hear you ask,

Is it as easy as ripping off the mask?

A kaleidoscope of worlds

A lifetime of colourful swirls

A disco ball of emotions

Sunsets, rainbows and oceans

A silky patchwork quilt

Flowers that never wilt

A straw smelling hay bale

In green fields of misunderstanding

A roaring pink jumbo jet

With no runway for landing

Clouds of wonder, fields of dreams,

The small joys of life

Stretch bigger than they seem

Glistening rays of sunshine

Always bringing glee

I know that this will be

A forever part of me.

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