The Weekend

Dear Friends,

Does anyone share the following-

I find the weekend lonely having few family and friends.When a Friday goes wrong and a business I am awaiting a response does no get back to me I ruminate all weekend and then wish it to be Monday so I can chase.

I wish we were more a 24/7 country so this weekend isolation was not there.

The real humdinger is a bank holiday weekend.I had the worst Easter of my life and then had to wait till Tuesday to get proper help.

What do you all think do you sure my weekend negativity any tips.?

  • My ironing certainly isn't I only do politically correct ironing, it all comes out differently creased,lol.

  • Me ironing or making jam would not be a pretty sight but I like walking and talking to my cats

  • Hopefully, your life will improve for you and will soon stop feeling quite as awful.

    When I'm feeling lonely and isolated, I try to find ways of distracting my thoughts so that I don't end up sitting and brooding. Sometimes it works, particularly if I'm absorbed with something that brings me pleasure and joy. Sometimes it doesn't, in which case I remind myself those thoughts and feelings won't last forever.

  • I used to find weekends difficult as all my friends were doing couple things and I felt like I'd been tidied away in the toybox until Monday. Now I find it difficult because the neighbours are home and noisy and get driven inside, from about April to October there are loads of tourists about at the weekend, so I've learnt to go for a walk with Fearn, my dog, at lunch time when they're all scoffing pub roast dinners. I usually do my ironing and other things that I don't get round to at other times, making jam in season, stuff like that.

  • I think you are so true and like you when life is normal I too have a detox from business emails etc .What has happened is my life is so awful at the moment and I am on a losing streak thanks for you advice though it has helped

  • you are very sensible i can enjoy tv when all is good and my sport reading and going for a coffee just my ghastly neighbours are always home!

  • I find weekends lonely as well. My sister doesn't have autism and anxiety, so she will always be out at the weekend with her friends. It's something I would love to do.

    I try to keep myself busy on the weekends that way I don't feel as lonely as much. 

    Living in Scotland the weather isn't normally too good but today it's been nice so I've been outside cutting the overgrowth in the garden. 

    I didn't notice my anxiety or loneliness when I was doing my garden. My therapist suggested distractions and it has been working for me. If I can't garden then I'll organise my room, listen to music, watch som...

    All helps me. 

    Sitting and thinking is no good for anyone. 

  • If I have contacted a business with a query, I automatically tend to work on the assumption that I probably won't hear anything back until after the weekend, or bank holiday. In general, it's rare that I find the waiting to be anything more than a minor irritation.

    I think that when we want something, we are not always the best at being patient. It can be easy to wish businesses operated 24/7, but if businesses adopted the same mentality, I'm not so sure that I would welcome them contacting me at a weekend, or during a bank holiday. For me, this may possibly have something to do with the fact that I belong to a generation where weekends and bank holidays were considered sacred.

    You say you find weekends lonely and isolating, and I think that is the main issue for you. When you're able to chase up businesses, it then helps to lift you out of feeling lonely and isolated because it is contact of sorts. This is just my opinion based on what you have posted.

  • I am so sorry for your troubles and well done on the Sobriety my Father is in your fellowship however his a tragic tale sober for 29 years  then last 22 years constant relapse now he just drinks most of the time.It has come at the worst time for me as my personal life is a mess and also only got my Autism diagnosis this year.

    Any thoughts about my Dad fro m a fellow sufferer and please you are doing well 24 hours at a time you can do it

  • Yeh I totally get you! I also struggle with weekends as I am a recovering alcoholic and seeing everyone get drunk can be hard for me. I often feel tempted to drink on these occasions.