Do you consider your problems to be situational?

For example, while I don't expect that getting a job will solve everything for me, I expect it will take a significant amount of stress off my shoulders. 

You see the blanket statements on social media that "money doesn't buy happiness" - yes, it doesn't. However, it definitely improves your life.

I do consider a lot of my problems to be situational, if a few things changed here and there, it'd make a world of difference. If I switched my manual car for an automatic, I would enjoy driving more and not stress out as much.

  • You're right in saying that money doesn't buy happiness, but it can certainly help and contribute to it.

    Before my dad died, I remember him telling my son, "Don't be tempted to accept the first job that comes along, simply because it's a job. Wait for the one that you think will really enjoy doing. Life is short, and there is nothing worse than being stuck in a job that doesn't fulfil you, and causes you to wake up each morning feeling full of dread." These pearls of wisdom came from a man who had spent the last few years of his working life doing a job he mostly hated, and crossing off the days on a wall calendar until his retirement.

  • Yeah, I am well aware that I have missed out on so many opportunities because I didn't know what I wanted from a job bar "I'm not doing this if I don't feel comfortable enough with it". 

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