Alcohol and medication for autism???

Strange one for a Wednesday afternoon. 
so, I find when I drink alcohol it numbs my brain to my usual thoughts, I know it makes me more out going and has made me do crazy things in my life, what I’m wondering is, is there any medication that quietens the brain like alcohol does? So just quiets the noise and helps to switch off a bit? I find when I drink even if a few it helps my brain to switch off, I only have 4 cans once maybe twice per week with a space in between as I know this could end up as a problem but if there is anything else I would stop drinking altogether 

thanks people 

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  • I tried CBD as I was starting to be way to reliant on alcohol and had eased right of it, so was looking for something to help in the same way.

    I found I was better after taking it but then more anxiety crept in afterwards when it wore off. Similar to alcohol. I became very ratty and angry ( more than normal!)

    I do find, oddly, that the right antihistamine makes me feel far more calm and the racing brain slows a bit. (Acrivastine for me, I also sleep better with it, while others make me very tired, like cetrazine.)

    Coffee calms me down well too, I think th caffeine helps focus and avoids that "jumping between thought trains" thing.

    Not sure if it's related, but any steroids seem to make me down and foggy (even the low dose nasal spray like pirinase) and some type 3 antihistamines ( montelukast) literally had me suicidal. So I'm careful what I take!