Post Diagnosis Support?

Hi all, 

I was diagnosed with ASD earlier in the year. Even though it is something I have thought and believed my whole life, I feel like the diagnosis has turned me upside down and I feel like I don't understand myself anymore. It felt like the assessor saw things in me that I don't see myself, but in the report she wrote, nothing of the sort was described. I received a post-diagnosis email but there wasn't much on there either. I just want someone to talk to who knows Autism well and I can organise my thoughts and learn more about myself. I have tried reading things online but it just doesn't seem to be helping. I want somebody to talk to about it all that knows what they are talking about. I just don't know where to turn.. I feel so isolated and alienated from myself, did anybody else have this experience? I'm from the East Midlands, can anybody signpost me to something that may help? I tried a peer mentoring-type service, but once I signed up I heard nothing more from them, I have sent follow up emails with no response also.. I have joined local groups on Facebook but it all seems to be child-centred and parents looking for school placements. 

Any feedback would be greatly received, I don't want to keep feeling this way.

  • I was diagnosed last year. 

    I still feel lost. 

    I don't know how the schools I attended did not recognise that I was Autistic. 

    I was recommended some books to read. They are not going to help me with my social skills though.

    I still need to get in touch with the GP about my Autism, but I cant get an appointment. All they tried to do was put me on anti depressants, which I don't really want to be on because they are not natural. 

    I feel there is a real lack of support for people who have found out they are Autistic. It is a big shock. Living in a world which is not designed for Autistic individuals is overwhelming.

    I get the impression medical professionals have no clue what to do. 

    Mainly because it's a new area of neuroscience. 

  • I think this community is a brilliant source of support - better than most ‘professionals’ in the NHS etc. Autistic people are the experts on what it’s like to be autistic - and are great at helping each other on here in my experience. 

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