
Hi all - in a very bad way here.  I've not been diagnosed autistic (hence the question) but my self-harm, depression, introversion and misanthropy tend towards some of the symptoms you guys sadly have to deal with. 

Over the last 6 weeks of the Britsh general election, I've found it almost impossible to deal with the lies and halftruths which have been the constant diet and I think have reached my end point.  I don't want to react to bullshit with the red flash of righteous indignation, but I do.  So, are there meds/other things which enable some of the "noise" to go away?  I've been on Sertraline (min dose) for 20 years, but even that doesn't stop me flying into a rage when certain buttons are pressed.  I've considered keeping myself half-pissed (the only tme I feel any good) or stoned (don't want to smoke though, or hang around street corners - not my style) or usng CBD, about which I know nothing.

Just for background, I exercise regularly, but can't do meditation/mindfulness (have tried many times and it doesn't work for me) - so thought I'd ask, wthout much hope, whether there are prescription drugs (or CBD?) that "take the edge off" and would allow me to live half a life.


  • If the bottom line issue is intense sensory experience including emotions and a drive for resolution, all causing heightened stress, there is a possibility Sertraline is making it worse by lowering your internal  ability to filter out extra sensory stimuli through depleting the bodies inhibitors. Drugs to counter balance drugs, IMO, are a fast track to ill health. I have a friend who takes a daily supplement of L-Theanine + Magnesium, the first being building blocks to said inhibitors, which need or the world can feel like an intense psilocybin trip. 

    Given that we can't save the world or control others, I find I can take responsibility for my own well-being and then find a cause or two to support. Especially one which I feel is impacting me on a daily basis such as the unaccountable mass change from natural light sources to artificial light. 

    One thing I've discovered since discovering what the Autistic differences were, includes how the Typical population uses language and seemingly invisible 'codes' to communicate or command. It's perfectly normal for most to live with Cognitive Dissonance and also not see discrepancy where Autistics might - mostly due to words being fluid and symbolic rather than a utility with ground in a dictionary. Understanding how this works according to Analytic Philosophy eased the frustration a bit. But I still have to do a bit of internal logic puzzles when speaking to others. 

  • If the bottom line issue is intense sensory experience including emotions and a drive for resolution, all causing heightened stress, there is a possibility Sertraline is making it worse by lowering your internal  ability to filter out extra sensory stimuli through depleting the bodies inhibitors. Drugs to counter balance drugs, IMO, are a fast track to ill health. I have a friend who takes a daily supplement of L-Theanine + Magnesium, the first being building blocks to said inhibitors, which need or the world can feel like an intense psilocybin trip. 

    Given that we can't save the world or control others, I find I can take responsibility for my own well-being and then find a cause or two to support. Especially one which I feel is impacting me on a daily basis such as the unaccountable mass change from natural light sources to artificial light. 

    One thing I've discovered since discovering what the Autistic differences were, includes how the Typical population uses language and seemingly invisible 'codes' to communicate or command. It's perfectly normal for most to live with Cognitive Dissonance and also not see discrepancy where Autistics might - mostly due to words being fluid and symbolic rather than a utility with ground in a dictionary. Understanding how this works according to Analytic Philosophy eased the frustration a bit. But I still have to do a bit of internal logic puzzles when speaking to others. 
