
Hi all - in a very bad way here.  I've not been diagnosed autistic (hence the question) but my self-harm, depression, introversion and misanthropy tend towards some of the symptoms you guys sadly have to deal with. 

Over the last 6 weeks of the Britsh general election, I've found it almost impossible to deal with the lies and halftruths which have been the constant diet and I think have reached my end point.  I don't want to react to bullshit with the red flash of righteous indignation, but I do.  So, are there meds/other things which enable some of the "noise" to go away?  I've been on Sertraline (min dose) for 20 years, but even that doesn't stop me flying into a rage when certain buttons are pressed.  I've considered keeping myself half-pissed (the only tme I feel any good) or stoned (don't want to smoke though, or hang around street corners - not my style) or usng CBD, about which I know nothing.

Just for background, I exercise regularly, but can't do meditation/mindfulness (have tried many times and it doesn't work for me) - so thought I'd ask, wthout much hope, whether there are prescription drugs (or CBD?) that "take the edge off" and would allow me to live half a life.


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