Why, what, how? - A Haiku poem

How are we all here
Why are we all different
What makes us unique

Why do our bright minds
Play tricks on our consciousness
Frustrating our goals

Why is happiness
So difficult to achieve
Why must we struggle

Why do people say
What they do not really mean
Not say what they mean

Why can we not stop
And see something beautiful
Why is that so rare

Why can't we all feel
Connected, loved and cared for
Is that just a dream?

  • Hi PixieFox

    Great poem, I'm learning Japanese and so the word Haiku drew me in!

    How is it that we can love

    Have family that love us

    But at the same time feel lonliness

    How is it that everyone else is talking

    What is everyone talking about

    It's exhausting listening and trying to follow

    Seems such a waste of speech with so little worth

    Why is it that every one bonds so fluidly

    Seeming to connect so quickly

    Why don't I have any bonds, connections outside family

    No friends, friends who are like me

    Why is it that everyone else misses every detail

    Why is it we see what others don't

    Why is it we can see new perspectives

    Why is life so hard, yet so enjoyable

    How is it we can enjoy little things

    Enjoying little things but still struggle every day

    We are so individual

    We are so great in our own way

    We see and appreciate what others do not

    If I'm not dreaming who's driving?