Adult ASD assessment

Hi all, 

I have my assessment this week on the 4th July, I have completed all the required forms AQ10, ECQ etc and understand the questions are around friend etc. 

What other questions do they ask, I heard they ask some questions about how you do something such as brush teeth. 


  • What other questions do they ask

    I mostly had a series of multiple choice tests to perform in advance and some "life experience" questions in the assessment.

    Some people report having to make up a story using props.

    I would suggest looking at the following guide:

    Remember that the assessment team are trained to see past masking in the session and the multiple choice questions will give the bulk of the information they want so it is important to be bluntly honest here. There is nothing to be gained by downplaying and aspects of your experience.

    I found it straightforward and low stress due the people involved so hopefully you have a similar experience.

  • What other questions do they ask

    I mostly had a series of multiple choice tests to perform in advance and some "life experience" questions in the assessment.

    Some people report having to make up a story using props.

    I would suggest looking at the following guide:

    Remember that the assessment team are trained to see past masking in the session and the multiple choice questions will give the bulk of the information they want so it is important to be bluntly honest here. There is nothing to be gained by downplaying and aspects of your experience.

    I found it straightforward and low stress due the people involved so hopefully you have a similar experience.

  • Hiya - Theresa here. 30yo

    I had my assessment today and was diagnosed ASD, high functioning. 

    I was asked to demonstrate as of explaining to a child how to brush my teeth! I wasn't expecting that. 

    There was a picture book with no words and I had to tell the story as I saw it.

    Again I was shown a series of picture cards, asked to tell the story, memorise, and stand up and retell the story.

    I was asked what made me sad, angry, what I do to relax..

    There were also questions about making friends, do you have friends, what being a friend means to you. I was also asked how my husband and I met.

    I did have to choose 5 small props and make up a story

    I answered as openly and honest as I could. The assessor was very pleasant and would have made me feel at ease, if I wasn't already feeling so awkward! 

    Good luck, it'll be interesting! Try to have some fun with it too.