Hi Newly Diagnosed

Hi I'm Newton this, I've just been diagnosed and firstly what a releaf to know I'm  not crazy! I'm not sure if this is OK/ normal but I feel such a releaf to know finally that I am actually autistic and that things I'm not great are are my normal. Does anyone else feel like this? Would anyone mind sharing any resources/ help they found useful after being diagnosed please? Thanks in advance and please get in touch I'd love to hear your experience in this Blush 

  • Hello,

    I was also recently diagnosed with Autism this year and I felt similar sense of relief and validation. I could now understand why I do, think and operate differently to others and it put things into perspective for me. Personally I found engaging with the autism community the best as fellow autistics will likely will able to relate more. If you have instagram there are many autistic influencers. If you would like s list let me know. Also a book by Ellie Middleton was useful.

    In addition there is the Autism Society website.

  • Hello,

    I was also recently diagnosed with Autism this year and I felt similar sense of relief and validation. I could now understand why I do, think and operate differently to others and it put things into perspective for me. Personally I found engaging with the autism community the best as fellow autistics will likely will able to relate more. If you have instagram there are many autistic influencers. If you would like s list let me know. Also a book by Ellie Middleton was useful.

    In addition there is the Autism Society website.

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