Hating being told no

I don't know if my grief is causing me to act out or something, but I feel really sensitive to being told no. Even if it's something I raise to my parents of "I want to go to this place" and the thing in question is, practicality wise, extremely difficult, I hate being told no. 

I feel like something is taken away from me. Like they're telling me "you're stupid and you know nothing and you should stop talking", but then I am used to people like my brother saying that more outwardly.

There's a separate discussion as to whether I should even have to ask at the ripe old age of 27, and with most things I wouldn't consider it, but maybe it's also demand avoidance. 

  • Is it to do with how you phrase the question?

    I want to go swim with sharks.


    I'm interested to see big sea animals in their natural habitats, is there any way we could go to xxx and go on one of those boat trips?

    The first indicates a potential lack of awareness of danger (which one of the books I read can be an issue for NDs). The second starts exploring the reasons why you want to do something, which gives other people a bit more to work with, they can do all their 'inferences' thinking and maybe come up with something that could work as a compromise.

    BUT I may be over-thinking it!!!

  • Is it to do with how you phrase the question?

    I want to go swim with sharks.


    I'm interested to see big sea animals in their natural habitats, is there any way we could go to xxx and go on one of those boat trips?

    The first indicates a potential lack of awareness of danger (which one of the books I read can be an issue for NDs). The second starts exploring the reasons why you want to do something, which gives other people a bit more to work with, they can do all their 'inferences' thinking and maybe come up with something that could work as a compromise.

    BUT I may be over-thinking it!!!

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