

is there a place to get therapy or counselling that has properly trained therapists.

i See you had therapy Iain, where did you find your therapist please?

is there a registry for really highly qualified therapists that specialise in autism/adhd?

I am really starting to bottom out on this. My level of isolation is almost 100%, I see a cpn for a couple of hours once a month, and this level of solitude has been the case for 8 years.

 Couldn’t afford ongoing therapy, but several sessions I am guessing, at least to discuss things.

ok that’s all, and I apologise for the depressing nature of this post. I am finding it hard to not sink currently. 
I hope to one day contribute more light hearted posts and thank in advance anyone who can offer advice, suggestions, or experience.


  • where did you find your therapist please?

    I found my therapist on here:

    I used the filter option to add the areas I had most need of help with and looked at the profiles until I found someone who felt right - I contacted them for an initial chat and it went well so I booked some sessions.

    All was done remotely as I live overseas and this allowed me to keep regular sessions wherever my work took me.

    is there a registry for really highly qualified therapists that specialise in autism/adhd?

    TheCatWoman has the right answer here - but this is a registry of qualified and registered therapists, not their specialisations.

    The link is:

    I would probably use the first links list of therapists and check the one you are interested in is on the second link.

    I pay £50 per hour for my sessions but don't need then too frequently these days. Initially it was once a week while we worked through some issues but tapered off to less frequently as I was working on a lot more in my own time.

    Everyone will have a different need but fairly frequent sessions initially seem to present the best approach.

    A therapist with experience of dealing successfully with autistic patients is likely to have a good understanding of what techniques work for them. I have read on here that CBT type sessions are typically not a good fit, but that is only anecdotal.

  • Ok thanks Catwoman, I have tried two therapists previously through bacp. I guess I need to keep looking, they just didn’t seem to understand it. I wondered if there are any autistic therapists out there? Maybe a registry of them. 
    Thankyou for your reply, and I will do a search.

  • You could try looking for one registered with who train and regulate reputable counsellors and psychotherapists in the UK, you could contact them and ask for someone autism friendly if thats what you feel you need and discuss what types of therapy might be best for you? Their site gives a wealth of information too.