Finding work

Hello, please can anyone help? I am Mum of autistic daughter who is applying for jobs two years after university. In the 2 years she has been doing no work. I think it took this long to think about this as she was burnt out after university. She has in last 6 months been receiving universal credit. She is trying to applying for nhs jobs but doesn't have a reference for last two years as been at home not working. Also has no interaction with wider world, just friends and her parents. Any suggestions or ways of getting support. Thank you

  • It's just a thought, but has your daughter considered doing voluntary work? In addition to voluntary work allowing your daughter to become accustomed to interacting with the wider world, it's a way of obtaining much-needed references.

    To go from not working to paid employment could prove to be a shock to the system. Therefore, voluntary work would be a way of gently easing your daughter into working, and allowing her to see if she's ready for it after her burn-out. In addition, it would obviously be something positive she could add to her CV.

  • She would like to do that, again as above its getting her to do that as above. It was for practical advise on what to do about this gap in employment 

  • If your daughter is willing and able to consider voluntary work, it would help to plug the gap. I'm no expert on such matters, but from the perspective of a prospective employer, stating on her CV that she has done voluntary work creates a better impression than having zero work experience. 

  • If your daughter is willing and able to consider voluntary work, it would help to plug the gap. I'm no expert on such matters, but from the perspective of a prospective employer, stating on her CV that she has done voluntary work creates a better impression than having zero work experience. 

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