Air pressure sensitivity

Hello everyone 

This might sound odd but I seem to have a sensitivity to air pressure and was wondering if it could possibly be related to autism? I have had nosebleeds for no reason for years and can just arrive out of nowhere. 
I have also been the very unlucky recipient of a condition called Silent sinus syndrome which is caused by an imbalance in pressure. I believe it was from a horrible flight I took several years ago and at the time I felt like my eye was going to explode!!

This caused my sinus pouch in my cheek to collapse and over time distorted my eye socket. So far I have had reconstructive sinus surgery which was successful, one year later surgery to insert an implant to my lower orbit, which was successful. More recently I had to have my eyelid corrected (Entropian) as my eyelid was slightly turned in. All is well now with no scarring but this has been quite a challenge. I had seen something that said that neurodivergent people can be affected by air pressure and just wondering if so has anyone had any experience with something similar to my situation? 

Thank you for reading! 

  • I'm not sure, but somehow I doubt it, one of my old dogs used to get what I can only describe as migraines related to air pressure just before a thunder storm. He'd lie in the dark, obviously distressed, but with nothing apparently wrong with him, and he perked up and was back to his old self when the storm arrived. I can get thunder headaches and snow ones too. I think lots of people who suffer from migraines also seem effected by the weather.

  • I'm not sure, but somehow I doubt it, one of my old dogs used to get what I can only describe as migraines related to air pressure just before a thunder storm. He'd lie in the dark, obviously distressed, but with nothing apparently wrong with him, and he perked up and was back to his old self when the storm arrived. I can get thunder headaches and snow ones too. I think lots of people who suffer from migraines also seem effected by the weather.

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