Solidarity and thanks

Hello to everyone on here. It’s just struck me that I tend to come on here when I’m struggling in various ways. Obviously it’s great to have positive and life affirming conversations on here - but I also think it’s amazing that people are so open about their struggles as autistic people (and as human beings generally too of course!) and I just want to thank everyone because you never know just how much you’re helping people by simply sharing your stories on here. Often as autistic people we are very socially isolated - and that can be very very detrimental sometimes. So I just want to thank everyone for making this such a friendly and supportive space. What’s so incredibly valuable is that we can come on here and know that we are not alone - no matter how difficult things can be. I appreciate that so much - and everyone who comes on here makes a contribution to helping others - and that’s a very wonderful thing.

If you’re having a good day - I’m happy for you!

if you’re having a really difficult day - I can definitely relate! Today I felt so terrible, and I came on here and was reminded that I was not alone - but that there is so much support and good advice on here to help. That made a real difference to me today (as it has so many times before) - so to all members of this community: THANK YOU Pray

  • Dear Kate, I'm sure I have told you this before....but repeating it can only do

    When I first arrived in this place, you dear Kate, were one of the first and important key voices that I noticed.....because what you said resonated strongly with me.  I don't think we interacted directly, but your contributions in the forum at that time brought me badly needed comfort.

    Like you say, we never know how much good we might be doing for each other, just by being here and contributing.



  • That is  so nice to hear Number - I appreciate these incredibly kind words so much. You have brought me comfort today too by your warm words - thank you Pray

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