Hi there

I was asked to share some of the things I like to do and have done creatively here. I have played drums for over 15 years. I play in a Church band, but irregularly due to work, and some other issues. My kit is locked away in the office there so I do not have permanent access to it, I don't really have the space. I auditioned for a band once but I think they needed something a bit faster and somebody more experiencedI did take lessons with a few teachers, but I found it hard to keep up, so pretty much self taught

I took up Photography around 2010 and have won some awards on viewbug etc, it's not something I necessarily enjoy, but I seemingly have a gift in it. I have a portfolio here


Also I like to sing. Around 17-18 years ago I was told by a professional singer that I could sing, but never have been able to get the technique right. I am not opposed to singing lessons, but my budget is low. I also love to do karaoke, often so much I burn my voice out sometimes. I started that probably around 2008-2009 and regular now.

Over lockdown, I took up DJing on Twitch, and later Kick. Out of inspiration from other DJ friends I met online over lockdown, and later meeting them in real life. I gave up with the streaming because it was too stressful to set everything up, and nobody tuned in so I pretty much was just playing music to myself. Its been over a hear since I touched my decks, which are covered in dust now