Newly Passed Automatic Driver….but lost my confidence

Hi Wave tone1

I passed in November 2023 but didn’t get my car until four weeks ago (got my car on motability).

Two weeks ago I was doing a test run on a route with my mum to Chester Zoo. I drove okay until a car beeped me in Heswall and then another car beeped me on the round about. I have to admit my anxiety did sky rocket after that. When it was time to come home I missed my turning and the sat nav had to reroute me and took me down narrow country roads, when I got home I was exhausted and anxious.

Of course my brain was trying to get me to avoid my car but I went out the follow week after the incident and drove around my local area so I thought I would be okay…fast forward today I was parking on the Morrisons car park (which I’m normally fine with) but I nearly crashed the front of my car into a bush (there was no damage and I had a bit of a panic attack) and then when I reversed to come out of my parking space I nearly crashed the back of my car into another car…

After today I feel like I have lost my confidence in my driving ability. I don’t know if I am still anxious or something from two weeks ago or something. But I think it’s a mixture of my anxiety and my autism brain over thinking things.

Have I lost my confidence? Or is my brain overthinking things like normal? Or is it something else.

Please help me??? x

  • I passed my driving test, in a standard, seventeen years ago; at twenty-eight years of age. Even now, I have to hyperfocus; in order to avoid an accident. That, plus my now deceased Grandmother's paranoia over claims against us, puts me on tenterhooks.

    However, one trick that helps is 'Small Victories'. Segment each part of the journey, then give yourself a pat on the back - mentally - whenever you achieve success in each segment.

  • I passed my driving test, in a standard, seventeen years ago; at twenty-eight years of age. Even now, I have to hyperfocus; in order to avoid an accident. That, plus my now deceased Grandmother's paranoia over claims against us, puts me on tenterhooks.

    However, one trick that helps is 'Small Victories'. Segment each part of the journey, then give yourself a pat on the back - mentally - whenever you achieve success in each segment.

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