Are there any benefits from being diagnosed with Autism/ADHD?

I know I'm on the Autism spectrum & most prob ADHD. My family know that I am. My bro & niece are.

So what are the benefits of others knowing?

Does it actually get you anywhere?

Do I need to be diagnosis to prove who I am?

Are there any benefits from being diagnosed?

Is knowing you are Autistic enough?

Would very much like to know your points of views on this & maybe see it from a diff perspective

  • It’s a tricky one as everyone has their own individual circumstances which a diagnosis would help them, there isn’t a “one size fits all” answer. Although I’m sure everyone benefits from knowing that they’re not alone in how our brain processes things compared to neurotypical people. For me, it’s helped me feel less like a failure and help stop question why I can’t do stuff like everyone else. It’s also opened up my mind to exploring more about autism which has helped understand myself better. Yeah, I could have done that without a diagnosis, but I also struggle  with imposter syndrome and wouldn’t believe I was autistic until I was formally diagnosed.

    I also benefit from asking my employer for reasonable adjustments so my job can be more manageable. And whilst I shouldn’t need to have a diagnosis, it does make it easier to access the adjustments I need.

    A diagnosis should also help access support services or groups, to help meet other autistic people. Although I know any support services are impossible to get any support from. 

    personally I’m still struggling with telling other people, 9 months on from my diagnosis. I don’t think it’s always necessary to tell people, unless absolutely necessary or if there is any benefit to me, such as the person knowing they need to give me more time and notice or not changing plans last minute etc. 

    I hope you find the benefits of a diagnosis that will help you

  • Thank you AJ90UK for your reply, it interested me a great deal because your perspective about yourself is so diff from mine.

    Happy to hear your diagnosis has helped you achieve the adjustments you needed at work & having a positive outcome Slight smile
    I hope now that you have your diagnosis your journey forward is made much easier.

    I agree with you about not thinking it necessary to tell everyone you are Autistic. I told my neighbour the other day who is a teacher & she told me "you shouldn't label yourself"! It surprised me a great deal!
    I think some peeps take the information positively & some not so, but I put that down to lack of understanding rather that pure discrimination. The unknown can be scary.

    I've never had a problem with who I am, I have left that to others lol! I've always known I was different & I am OK with that. I became very good at masking but I only use that when it will benefit me most; to achieve my end goal as smoothly & efficiently as possible. The quicker it is done, the sooner I can remove myself from the situation :D 
    At the end the end of the day, I was just trying to work out if an official diagnosis would actually help me in any way. And maybe you guys experienced things I had not though about yet. 
    From my point of view, I am who I am diagnosis or not. I know I am Autistic like other member of my family. It doesn't change who I am.

    So the jury is out on whether to wait 2yrs for an official diagnosis & go through the trauma of proving who I am :/ Now there's a scary thought... going through the process of being diagnosed! Open mouth

  • Thank you AJ90UK for your reply, it interested me a great deal because your perspective about yourself is so diff from mine.

    Happy to hear your diagnosis has helped you achieve the adjustments you needed at work & having a positive outcome Slight smile
    I hope now that you have your diagnosis your journey forward is made much easier.

    I agree with you about not thinking it necessary to tell everyone you are Autistic. I told my neighbour the other day who is a teacher & she told me "you shouldn't label yourself"! It surprised me a great deal!
    I think some peeps take the information positively & some not so, but I put that down to lack of understanding rather that pure discrimination. The unknown can be scary.

    I've never had a problem with who I am, I have left that to others lol! I've always known I was different & I am OK with that. I became very good at masking but I only use that when it will benefit me most; to achieve my end goal as smoothly & efficiently as possible. The quicker it is done, the sooner I can remove myself from the situation :D 
    At the end the end of the day, I was just trying to work out if an official diagnosis would actually help me in any way. And maybe you guys experienced things I had not though about yet. 
    From my point of view, I am who I am diagnosis or not. I know I am Autistic like other member of my family. It doesn't change who I am.

    So the jury is out on whether to wait 2yrs for an official diagnosis & go through the trauma of proving who I am :/ Now there's a scary thought... going through the process of being diagnosed! Open mouth

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