Adult care in other counties

Hello there,

We have an autistic adult aged 30 living with us with learning disorder and behavioural challenges. Reading Borough Council provide good package for day care, but because of her needs she can't access many friends or be with other people socially, even when in respite, which makes her very upset.

For other reasons. we're thinking of moving to Devon, but I wondered if anybody knew a) how counties compare for support b) if any groups can help an isolated adult female to not feel so alone.


  • I wondered if anybody knew a) how counties compare for support b) if any groups can help an isolated adult female to not feel so alone.

    I currently live in Brazil and there is pretty much nothing for adults in terms of state provided support. If you are wealthy then people tend to get a line-in carer or use the old technique of sending the person off to live in the countryside with a support person(s) - typically relatived who get paid - and leave them out of sight / out of mind.

    I deal with autistic school leavers in a charity capacity (sponsored by the schools rather than the city / state / national government) and have found there is very little support offered outside of these services.

    It seems the UK is quite ahead of other countries from what I have seen and heard of elsewhere.