Is what I’m going through ASD/adhd block?


late diagnosis ASD in my 50’s. I’m starting to experience something I’m used too, but it’s gotten so bad it’s affecting my life. 
I’ve always been a bit of a procrastinator, but I’ve always put it down to ‘being in the mood’ to deal with important paperwork. I run my own businesses and it’s never really been a problem to wait until ‘I’m in the mood’ then I’d nail all the paperwork and be relieved. 
I’ve been waiting to ‘be in the mood’ for 3months now and now it’s become a weird feeling inside my head. I can only describe as what I understand to be ‘writers block’. Like getting started on important documents and marketing, which I can do so so easily……I just can’t get started and it’s starting to freak me out and worry me. 
I’ve been reading and it seems to correlate with what people write as ADHD procrastination. 
has anyone experienced similar things? Will Adhd meds help?


  • Big part of autism for many people is PDA, it's what I find stops me from starting many things , I have to "want to" and sometimes even myself being the one making the demand on my self stop me doing things.

    Always seems slightly better if I'm well rested, still  need to really change the way I perceive some tasks in order to get started on them.

  • Big part of autism for many people is PDA, it's what I find stops me from starting many things , I have to "want to" and sometimes even myself being the one making the demand on my self stop me doing things.

    Always seems slightly better if I'm well rested, still  need to really change the way I perceive some tasks in order to get started on them.

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