Ancestral DNA. Has anyone had theirs done?

II had mine done a few months ago and it was really interesting, I'm 88% southern English with a smattering of European and 8% Iberian. To have such a high percentage in one area is quite unusual, if true, I dont' know where the Iberian link comes in, I can't see anything in the ancestors I've already traced that would suggest Iberian ancestry. 8% would mean that it's a fairly recent addition grand parents or great grandparents and they all came from southern England, more specifically Kent, Sussex  and Berkshire.

My Mum had hers done and she's real mix of British, Scandinavian, Welsh and European but no Iberian, so if it's true that I have some Iberian ancestry then it dosen't come from her, we know her Welsh connection, thats her great grandad, but she's only got 4% Welsh, so you can see my quandary with 8% Iberian?

I might get it done again, with a different company and get my haplotypes done too, I think it would be really fascinating to know my deep ancestry, when my people came to Europe and by what route, are they fairly recent, or have they been here since the end of the Ice Age?

  • Yes, I have had mine done as well out of curiosity! 

    I spent many yrs tracing my ancestry & building a tree online (I am on a continuous path to finding out who I am)!

    I seem to be made up of mainly Scottish, Irish & English with a much smaller amount of Scandinavian

    I have found family I never knew I had & also dug up a few skeleton! Smiley

  • It's an interesting, but at times very frustrating, thing to get into. DNA and genealogy that is. There is so much bad research out there, and an increasing number of private trees. Yes you can ask to see a private tree, but  quite a few people with such trees don't bother to reply to you.

    My biggest frustration is a same surname y DNA match I've had since 2011. He's tested up to 37 markers and is a genetic distance of 2 away from me. That indicates we're related, with our common ancestor being born between 1250-1850. Most likely date = 1650. He's never upgraded to get a better idea of how well we're related . That includes my offering to pay for the upgrade.

  • I'm confused about what you say about Ydna matches, it seems like a very wide date range? I never bother with private tree's and as far as I know nobodies ever asked to see ours. My instinct is to deny anyone else access.

  • It's the whole of the last paragraph that confuses me, the date range, who the person who's not updated their ? even though you've offered to pay. I feel like I walked into a conversation and only heard the last bit.

  • Is it just the very wide date range, or something additional to that, that confuses you?

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