Is anyone here vegan?

I've found through experience eating meat makes me feel depressed or angry or sometimes both. Fish and seafood are a bit of an exception, they don't have such a negative impact on me.

With a vegan diet you need to supplement with Vitamin B12 and Omega 3 and that's where I went wrong in the past when I tried it. I became weak and malnourished as many vegans do who don't supplement.

  • I'm vegan, and have been for about 15 years or so. I've never needed supplements. So long as you eat a balanced diet including legumes, nuts, fruit and veg, you get all the vitamins, minerals, fatty acids etc you need. I've never had a GP tell me that I need to take a supplement and any blood work I have always comes back fine. I'm not even a one of those health conscious gym-bunny types. I eat vegan junk food and barely get any exercise.

  • I'm vegan, and have been for about 15 years or so. I've never needed supplements. So long as you eat a balanced diet including legumes, nuts, fruit and veg, you get all the vitamins, minerals, fatty acids etc you need. I've never had a GP tell me that I need to take a supplement and any blood work I have always comes back fine. I'm not even a one of those health conscious gym-bunny types. I eat vegan junk food and barely get any exercise.

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