Is anyone here vegan?

I've found through experience eating meat makes me feel depressed or angry or sometimes both. Fish and seafood are a bit of an exception, they don't have such a negative impact on me.

With a vegan diet you need to supplement with Vitamin B12 and Omega 3 and that's where I went wrong in the past when I tried it. I became weak and malnourished as many vegans do who don't supplement.

  • I'm vegan. I feel healthier, I'm being kinder to animals and I'm far less likely to get food poisoning now - my main reason for trying vegan food in the first place. 

    I do feel healthier though. Meat was making me feel extremely unwell at times and triggered my IBS which vegan food does not. 

  • Meat gives me intense IBS, sometime I can be ill for a fortnight, I can't seem to digest it and it's painful to pass. I had a homeopathic treatment and almost the first thing that happened was I went right off meat and the smell of cooking fish started making me feel really sick.

    I have a similar reaction to coconut fat too, I'm alright with coconut milk, but the stuff they sell for making pastry and it's use in vegan "cheeses" and other products sets me off with IBS.

    The oddest thing about it is the attitude of other people, especially people my age, they get really hostile towards me, especially men, until they find out that I can't digest it and I'm not being "woke or namby pamby", I've been told I'm a 'natural vegetarian' and the whole attitude changes.

  • Meat gives me intense IBS, sometime I can be ill for a fortnight, I can't seem to digest it and it's painful to pass. I had a homeopathic treatment and almost the first thing that happened was I went right off meat and the smell of cooking fish started making me feel really sick.

    I have a similar reaction to coconut fat too, I'm alright with coconut milk, but the stuff they sell for making pastry and it's use in vegan "cheeses" and other products sets me off with IBS.

    The oddest thing about it is the attitude of other people, especially people my age, they get really hostile towards me, especially men, until they find out that I can't digest it and I'm not being "woke or namby pamby", I've been told I'm a 'natural vegetarian' and the whole attitude changes.

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