Is anyone here vegan?

I've found through experience eating meat makes me feel depressed or angry or sometimes both. Fish and seafood are a bit of an exception, they don't have such a negative impact on me.

With a vegan diet you need to supplement with Vitamin B12 and Omega 3 and that's where I went wrong in the past when I tried it. I became weak and malnourished as many vegans do who don't supplement.

  • There is also the link these days to the over use of hormones and antibiotics that industrially husbanded animals endure. Not to mention the diets they are forced to eat. Looking into this issue is and knowing about it is one of my special interests.

    It has been proven that this rising use of hormones on the cows also correlates with the rise in the earlier and earlier onset of menses on humans. This is one of the elephants in the room these days, The room seems to have acquired a lot of elephants these days.

  • There is also the link these days to the over use of hormones and antibiotics that industrially husbanded animals endure. Not to mention the diets they are forced to eat. Looking into this issue is and knowing about it is one of my special interests.

    It has been proven that this rising use of hormones on the cows also correlates with the rise in the earlier and earlier onset of menses on humans. This is one of the elephants in the room these days, The room seems to have acquired a lot of elephants these days.

  • I think the over use of hormones is also responsible for the rise in breast size in human women. It was rare to find anyone who was a D cup 40 years ago, now it's a common size and sizes are getting larger all the time. There's health implications for have breasts that are very big too, such as damage to the neck and upper back from the weight of them, as many women who have large breasts will have small bones. There's also a social issue about larger breast sizes and perceptions of intelligence and sexual availability.

  • Wise, informed Uhane.  I salute you.