Is anyone here vegan?

I've found through experience eating meat makes me feel depressed or angry or sometimes both. Fish and seafood are a bit of an exception, they don't have such a negative impact on me.

With a vegan diet you need to supplement with Vitamin B12 and Omega 3 and that's where I went wrong in the past when I tried it. I became weak and malnourished as many vegans do who don't supplement.

  • [raises hand]. when i was in my late teens and macrobiotics was becoming more widely known we were all talking about and getting into food as an energy delivery systems. One thing we spoke of a lot about was the life and happiness and/or the heartbreak and distress animals felt at being deprived of a happy free life and the trauma of captivity, sickness, mistreatment and an often terrifying death. We spoke a great deal about how the cells of the creatures people ate carried those sensations as imprints and the person eating them would also take that on.

    After an operation I began to eat 4 eggs a week. I make sure the chickens are happy and can actually visit them. I also make sure they are not fertilized.

    I will now also eat some goat cheese if I know the animals and see they are happy gals.

  • [raises hand]. when i was in my late teens and macrobiotics was becoming more widely known we were all talking about and getting into food as an energy delivery systems. One thing we spoke of a lot about was the life and happiness and/or the heartbreak and distress animals felt at being deprived of a happy free life and the trauma of captivity, sickness, mistreatment and an often terrifying death. We spoke a great deal about how the cells of the creatures people ate carried those sensations as imprints and the person eating them would also take that on.

    After an operation I began to eat 4 eggs a week. I make sure the chickens are happy and can actually visit them. I also make sure they are not fertilized.

    I will now also eat some goat cheese if I know the animals and see they are happy gals.

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