Is anyone here vegan?

I've found through experience eating meat makes me feel depressed or angry or sometimes both. Fish and seafood are a bit of an exception, they don't have such a negative impact on me.

With a vegan diet you need to supplement with Vitamin B12 and Omega 3 and that's where I went wrong in the past when I tried it. I became weak and malnourished as many vegans do who don't supplement.

  • I wonder if some of the negative stuff about eating meat and it's effects on the body, are due to adreniline? Stressed animals knowing they're about to be killed will produce loads of the stuff and I wonder how much it contaminates the meat?

    I won't eat GM foods, especially mixed species GM, the day a fish and a tomato can have a shag and produce offspring then I'll eat the offspring, but until that day, no way.

  • I wonder if some of the negative stuff about eating meat and it's effects on the body, are due to adreniline? Stressed animals knowing they're about to be killed will produce loads of the stuff and I wonder how much it contaminates the meat?

    I won't eat GM foods, especially mixed species GM, the day a fish and a tomato can have a shag and produce offspring then I'll eat the offspring, but until that day, no way.

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