Any Tips please

Hi,  Im a high functioning adult with ASC,  my hobbies surround sport.  I've recently started expanding the competitions I compete in to a higher level but really finding my brain as a blocker . I am so focused on feeling out of place as though I don't belong and being embarrassed rather than concentrating on what Im supposed to be doing.  I also struggle with this in work ,  I'm more worried about what people will be thinking of me even though i know they don't care.   

Anyone got any advice or tips to help out.  

  • I’m sorry I can’t offer any advice but I can say I relate to this. I used to get terribly embarrassed when I was younger and still can now (in my 40’s). This doesn’t happen to much anymore but the fear of it still lingers over me. I find it affects me if I feel I’ve said the wrong thing or if I’m unable to explain myself properly. This is related to me not being able to find the words I need when pressured in a fast paced conversation. I too feel uncomfortable sometimes even just walking and thinking others are looking at me. 

    Sorry I couldn’t help but just wanted to let you know your not on your own.

    Take care

  • I’m sorry I can’t offer any advice but I can say I relate to this. I used to get terribly embarrassed when I was younger and still can now (in my 40’s). This doesn’t happen to much anymore but the fear of it still lingers over me. I find it affects me if I feel I’ve said the wrong thing or if I’m unable to explain myself properly. This is related to me not being able to find the words I need when pressured in a fast paced conversation. I too feel uncomfortable sometimes even just walking and thinking others are looking at me. 

    Sorry I couldn’t help but just wanted to let you know your not on your own.

    Take care

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