Blue Badge refusal

Hi all,

I'm at a loss. I applied for a blue badge and got denied both on the initial application and on the appeal.

I receive PIP enhanced rate for both categories. I was awarded 12 points on the planning and following a journey section (so not automatically accepted.)

In my appeal I mentioned that they hadn't taken all of my evidence in to consideration and they were only following some of the guidance; being unable to walk, being a risk to yourself and others. They did not mention impulse control or awareness of surroundings, nor did they mention intense or overwhelming response to situations.

The response to the appeal was this:

- government guidance states that eligibility for the blue badge scheme is not solely determined by the presence or absence of any particular diagnosis or condition and that 'very considerable difficulty whilst walking' and 'serious harm' during the course of a journey are high thresholds which should be applied to all applicants equally (i agree with this)

- government guidance states that where people suffer very considerable psychological distress or other difficulty when walking or have a risk of very considerable harm to their safety, they should be awarded a badge. However, where the applicant would not go out alone and the presence of another person reduces the very considerable phycological distress or risk of very considerable harm, badges should not be issued. It appears that you are always accompanied when you leave your home and that this reduces the distress and risk of harm. 

- on the application you have stated that you have difficulties due to impulsive behaviours when over stimulated and can shut down or have a 'freeze' response. There is no independent professional information submitted in relation to this with your application.

-i have gained access to your X records which state that you can experience 'meltdowns' when out in public due to loud noises, although this difficultly is stated there is no up to date independent professional evidence as required to support this, details of these or evidence. In these records it also stated 'although Grace can present as highly anxious, she is willing to engage in things that are outside of her comfort zone to enhance her opportunities and widen her support network' and that you are always accompanied with this.

- you have not provided evidence that a reasonable coping strategy for someone with your conditions might be for the person accompanying you to explain to you what is happening, giving clear instructions and constant reassurance. there is no evidence as to why this or being accompanied is not a suitable strategy to help the majority of the time with the difficulties you have described.

- government guidance states that the frequency with which an applicant experiences very considerable difficulty whilst walking during the course of a journey or presents a risk of serious harm to themselves/others when walking should be 'more often than not'. the evidence in your application does not support that your difficulties occur 'more often than not.'

I'm so sorry for the length of this post, I just don't know what to do, how do I prove all of this?!

  • There is no independent professional information submitted in relation to this with your application.

    This would seem to be the point on which the refusal hinges.

    Do you have a therapist who can arrange this for you? I suspect your GP is not "professional" in the govenments eyes as they lack the expertise in the area (being only "general" by title).

    They make the point that you are not suitable for going out alone because of your sensitivites and since you only go out with others then this means you don't need the badge. While I don't agree with the principle here, if this is the guidance then I don't see a way around it unless you do decide to go out on your own.

  • There is no independent professional information submitted in relation to this with your application.

    This would seem to be the point on which the refusal hinges.

    Do you have a therapist who can arrange this for you? I suspect your GP is not "professional" in the govenments eyes as they lack the expertise in the area (being only "general" by title).

    They make the point that you are not suitable for going out alone because of your sensitivites and since you only go out with others then this means you don't need the badge. While I don't agree with the principle here, if this is the guidance then I don't see a way around it unless you do decide to go out on your own.

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