I'm done with counselling

I had what I consider my final session today, it's not her, it's me.  It's on me to fix my problems and move on now.  

I wish I could have addressed my rejecting of my autism in the past, my repressed sexuality, or my general disappointment in humankind, but alas those subjects were perhaps beyond her charity mandated training.  (Mind Swansea)

I just reiterated the same junk and she and I just didn't connect at all.  50 minutes is a small window so I couldn't delve into the stuff that mattered and I said my goodbye over email.

Also I'm tired of talking about myself and the person on the other side of the room not giving a ***.  A paying client more than a person.  I might as well take a vow of silence and stay in the background.  

Please don't try to convince me to try again, I have been pushing my luck with the local services for years and I've just about run out of chances.

  • You need to do what you feel is right for you. I wish you the best. X

    I'm undergoing treatment from mental health and I find them uncaring and unhelpful a lot of the time. One night I called the emergency number they gave me and the woman said that I should call a friend, and when I said I had no friends she suggested I watch a movie or read a book and then hung up on me. I've received more support here than I have from the professionals.I completely understand why you're feeling you want to move on from your counselling. It's up to you what you want to do from here. Whatever you decide I wish you well.

  • You need to do what you feel is right for you. I wish you the best. X

    I'm undergoing treatment from mental health and I find them uncaring and unhelpful a lot of the time. One night I called the emergency number they gave me and the woman said that I should call a friend, and when I said I had no friends she suggested I watch a movie or read a book and then hung up on me. I've received more support here than I have from the professionals.I completely understand why you're feeling you want to move on from your counselling. It's up to you what you want to do from here. Whatever you decide I wish you well.

  • Yes because on here you're talking with people who don't quote from self help leaflets and have no experience of real life ..in here when you speak to people  they know theyve been there and speak on a level you can resonate with..