Struggle to eat Veg & Salad

Discussions around diet come up quite often on NAS and I would like to share my experience in the hope that there will be some great suggestions.

To set the scene, I am a 53 year old high later life diagnosed, functioning male who really struggles with eating the vast majority of veg and salads.
I have always been considered to be a fussy eater and this was especially difficult when growing up as my parents made me eat all manner of foods that I really struggled with, even to the point of being physically sick. This also had a considerable negative affect on my emotional state, Even in my 20's when my wife and I went to my parent for Christmas dinner I was made to eat at least one Brussel sprout , something that I was traumatised about and even still gets joked about at Christmas time. Obviously my younger years were a long time ago, if the were to happen i9n this day and age, you could potentially argument a point of child /disability abuse/ Of course, I was know to being autistic back then.

Anyway, I am trying to improve my diet to supplement my commitment to working out at the gym.
But when it comes to Veg & Salad, i only eat the following - either because of texture issue, taste, or appearance - most often a combination of 2 or 3.

Potatoes (in all forms - mashed, chipped, baked (no so keen)
Carrots (must be well boiled to removed the crunch and the majority of the taste)
Tomatoes (small amounts on a pizza /other dishes)
Pepper (se tomatoes)
Little bit of lettuce in a burger 

Fruits I don't seem to have a problem with generally
Strawberries, blackberries (most berries)
Pears I hate the texture
Orange (ok when I have cold)

The challenge with fruit is that I don eat it every day.

Do other members have similar struggles?
Any suggestions  - maybe some smoothie recipes? Although, simply knowing that there are ingredients in a smoothie could be enough for me to not be able to drink it. 

  • My tip would be to search through Google and YouTube for what to eat specific vegetables or fruit with and how to prepare them and for recipes. For example, if you want to get to learn to like rocket leaf, well, it's bitter in flavour and most people will not like it on its own but it can very nice served alongside chips or as part of a salad with a dressing. Over time you might learn to like vegetables more, it could just be a matter of time to get used to recipes using them, then experimenting yourself and developing a taste for them.

  • My tip would be to search through Google and YouTube for what to eat specific vegetables or fruit with and how to prepare them and for recipes. For example, if you want to get to learn to like rocket leaf, well, it's bitter in flavour and most people will not like it on its own but it can very nice served alongside chips or as part of a salad with a dressing. Over time you might learn to like vegetables more, it could just be a matter of time to get used to recipes using them, then experimenting yourself and developing a taste for them.

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