Vote 2024 - register online before midnight 18/06/24


If eligible adults register online today, (Tuesday 18th June 2024), before midnight, via the GOV.UK website - they may vote in the General Election - 4th July 2024. 

The guidance suggests it should take most people about 5 minutes to register to vote online (during the registration process you say by which method you intend to vote in the Election).

It is said to be quickest if you go have your National Insurance number with you (to enter / input) as you register online. 

(Although, there is guidance to say you can still register to vote if that National Insurance number access is a problem for you / you do not have one). 

There are other ways to register to vote mentioned on that webpage too.

You can also find an Easy Read guide near the bottom of the page, under the heading "Getting help registering". 

(I don't usually make use of Easy Read documents - yet, when I had a look at it - I thought it seemed helpful - not least, to manage your thoughts and expectations beforehand).

MY COMMENT (ALL Party Political Politics Aside):

I believe it is vital for all Autistic adults, across all decades of adulthood, to have their own views, needs and outlooks: better, more readily, and more accurately represented in our Government / Parliament. 

One way to influence that is to register to vote ...and then place (cast / make) your vote in Elections. 

I encourage: use your vote to be counted and heard!

While this is not intended to spark a political discussion thread, I do recall my Late Grandfather's explanation, (to eight year old me), that, in his view; voting in Elections is a citizen's civic duty.

... maybe, you have had "register to vote" on your good intentions "to do list".  (Moved house since the last Election and have yet to update your details?).

... however, you might have realised that you have yet to get around to doing so?

"Action This Day!".

Parents Reply Children
  • Hi Side-Winder,

    Just to be clear, there are no rules against discussion of politics, news, current events etc on the NAS community.

    There have been times when moderators have to remove posts or lock threads on political subjects, but when we do it's generally because there have been posts that violate rule 5 or rule 7 of the community rules - - those are the rules against personal insults/abuse of other members, and against hate speech or discrimination. Discussions of news and politics that doesn't break those rules (or any other community rules) is fine!


  • Why not? 

    That would be unnecessary censorship of a topic that concerns and affects us all. 

    I'm sure that's not the case.

  • I don't see why politics can't be discussed? I started a post on politics and it was very popular. I think that as long as people don't go off onto long rants and abuse of others it should be fine, to stop us from discussing potentially contentious subjects is belittling.

    The OP is only reminding people that today is the last day to register to vote so as they can vote in next months election, what's wrong with that?