Anyone interested in Ancient and Medieval History?

I'd love people to share these interests with, but everybody keeps talking about world wars and the industrial revolution, which make my eyes glaze over. I like the ancient and prehistoric anyone else, or is this yet another one of my interests that nobody else shares?

  • Hi TheCatwoman.
    I visited Ephesus in Turkey 10 Years ago, i think it goe's back to about 138 A.D.
    Amazing place. Was not really interested until i got there.
    I also visited the " House of Mary " on top of a huge mountain meant to be the resting place of the Mother of Jesus.
    Surreal. You can really sense " something " weather You are Religious or not. Errie actually.
    Very peaceful experience.
    ( Sorry about my writing " font " above, not sure how i did that )
    Oh God, i think i,m Possessd !  Arrrggghhh.....

  • Hi TheCatwoman.
    I visited Ephesus in Turkey 10 Years ago, i think it goe's back to about 138 A.D.
    Amazing place. Was not really interested until i got there.
    I also visited the " House of Mary " on top of a huge mountain meant to be the resting place of the Mother of Jesus.
    Surreal. You can really sense " something " weather You are Religious or not. Errie actually.
    Very peaceful experience.
    ( Sorry about my writing " font " above, not sure how i did that )
    Oh God, i think i,m Possessd !  Arrrggghhh.....

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