Do age hierarchys apply in adulthood?

So you know when we're kids and older kids assume they're better simply by the virtue of being older? Is that a thing in adulthood? I'm getting that vibe from a coworker but I'm not sure. She'd about 10-15 years older than me though we're at the same technical skill level for what we do - social media management. But she loves to give me tips and tricks and feedback and seems to bristle when I do the same. I already know a lot of the stuff she's telling me too but I feel like it wouldn't go so well if I pointed that out. Is she bristling because I'm younger? Or because she assumes I'm not on the same level skill wise? 

  • Oh yes, it always amazes me that some people think that age has given them some unique wisdom. If it were me, I'd ask her if there was anything else I already know that she'd like to tell me? But then I don't really care and always get into trouble in these sort of situations.