Worried about autism assessment

I am waiting for a referral for a diagnosis for autism but so worried that the assessor won’t take me seriously as my special interests have always been fictional characters from tv shows as well as tv shows, rock groups, actors and cats. Also objects such as candles, ornaments and plants. The other thing is I’ve learned to mask things over the years and can manage some small talk but only really one on one. Would this make the assessor say my special interests aren’t that of an autistic person? I have read a lot about women being misdiagnosed and really worried in case it happens to me. Any advice would be great.

  • Do not worry. The assessment process varies in length from person to person, as they look to gather more information. Example, if they had assessed me when I was young I would be dead quiet and hardly have said a word, so they will have needed many more interviews with me to assess me. As I hit my mid 20's I started to slowly become talkative as job requirements forced me to talk. (I didn't want to deal with people but I had to and it did change me in this way.(Though heavy masking was involved).

    If I start to relax I talk. (Or am nurvous I talk a bit about nothing! But I talk. If I am quiet something is wrong). 

    But what I mean is that I did not need many interviews in the process to get my diagnosis as they said I was an easier case. If they interviewed me 30 years ago they would have had a lengthy drawn out process to diagnose me. 

    This is what I know through the process. 

    The process itself is not to be feared. It is actually ok. I was scared of the process but then once I opened up it was mostly about them asking me things and me answering them. (I can do that! Is if I have to ask the questions I can go into mindblank!)

    But there isnothing to fear. 

    The worst part for me was the years of waiting  as I can get a type of background anxiety when on waiting lists which can stress me so much I have known to take myself off lists to cut the anxiety... Have done this in the past which is why I can get myself into difficulty. 

  • I was worried in much the same way. I was diagnosed at age 59. I believed I was so good at masking that the assessor wouldn't believe I was autistic. Happily they didn't miss a thing.

  • I am waiting for a referral for a diagnosis for autism but so worried that the assessor won’t take me seriously

    I would have a look at the list of common autistic traits and make a list of which you exhibit:


    For each of these you exhibit, write a few paragraphs that describe how these are for you, giving examples (like fictional charicters would be under Special Interests). Make notes on how these impact your life where relevant.

    This should give all the information you need to get things rolling and expect the assessor to probe more into these and maybe bring up others as well.

    Remember that they are trained to see through the common autistic defences of masking (ie acting the way you think you should in a situation) and often forgetfulness when put on the spot.

    With a little prep work it will be much easier to deal with.

  • As far as I know there is no criteria which states autistic people have to have certain interests. Everyone is an individual which means they have their own individual interests. You'll find on here, interests are very varied.  There may be stereotypical interests but these are not defining autism. I think it is more about the intensity of the interest and possibly how you engage with it.