

  • Sounds like you're not being kept in the loop.

  • I don't think I am being kept up to date with everything. It feels like there are secrets I'm not privy to. But I may be misreading it. 

  • I don't think I am being kept up to date with everything

    My thoughts are that you are being left out delberately, not because they hate you but because you are not part of the "fun crowd" who gel and have fun together.

    This is classic neurotypical pack behaviour and is most likely not about you, but you will experience it like it is because you want to be a part of it.

    I try hard to join in but am now finding it harder to make an effort.

    This will show even if you think it doesn't - they will pick up on your low energy, lack of "getting" the in-jokes and stuff they like to do in the same way as them. It is natural.

    Nice friends are not like that, but it doesn't mean your colleagues are not nice, just that they have more fun without you.

    I find it helps to see both sides here as it makes it less painful to be left out.

    I also find it helps to use that time to recharge and feel better doing the other things I like - some things are just not good natural fits for us.

    I'm sorry if it gets you down but it helps to make the most of it and enjoy your own thing.

  • I don't think I am being kept up to date with everything

    My thoughts are that you are being left out delberately, not because they hate you but because you are not part of the "fun crowd" who gel and have fun together.

    This is classic neurotypical pack behaviour and is most likely not about you, but you will experience it like it is because you want to be a part of it.

    I try hard to join in but am now finding it harder to make an effort.

    This will show even if you think it doesn't - they will pick up on your low energy, lack of "getting" the in-jokes and stuff they like to do in the same way as them. It is natural.

    Nice friends are not like that, but it doesn't mean your colleagues are not nice, just that they have more fun without you.

    I find it helps to see both sides here as it makes it less painful to be left out.

    I also find it helps to use that time to recharge and feel better doing the other things I like - some things are just not good natural fits for us.

    I'm sorry if it gets you down but it helps to make the most of it and enjoy your own thing.
