Autism diagnosis

Hi everyone  how do I go about find out if I already have a diagnosis of autism? When I was a child I was in main stream school till p4 then I remembered attending an assessment then shortly afterwards I started attending a special needs primary school and a special needs secondary school but I ha e never been told why I had to attend these schools. Anytime I asked my mum her answer was you needed to go because you where slow in picking up information. Also did ask my mum if I was ever diagnosed with autism but she can't remember what the results of the assessment with the educational psychologist and speech and language therapist was. Now that I am older I would really like to know if iam autistic or not as my 2 children are autistic and have a formal diagnosis of autism.

  • I believe that if you were assessed in the school system then this should have been added to your medical records in the NHS, so my first port of call would be to contact your GPs surgery and ask them how to check this.

    If they have no record then contact the schools Special Edicational Needs co-ordinator and ask them (their title will be SENCO) and ask them how to check.

    If there is no record of it then I would do an online free test which gives a really good indication (be honest with your answers though) and if it suggests autism then ask your GP for an assessment on the Right To Choose route which is faster than the NHS only route but is still free.

    A decent free test is:

  • I believe that if you were assessed in the school system then this should have been added to your medical records in the NHS, so my first port of call would be to contact your GPs surgery and ask them how to check this.

    If they have no record then contact the schools Special Edicational Needs co-ordinator and ask them (their title will be SENCO) and ask them how to check.

    If there is no record of it then I would do an online free test which gives a really good indication (be honest with your answers though) and if it suggests autism then ask your GP for an assessment on the Right To Choose route which is faster than the NHS only route but is still free.

    A decent free test is:

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