Are Autistic People More Likely To Have Both with The Police and Council

Dear All,

I have recently been diagnosed but my close family and friends knew I had Autism all my life.

Over the last 2 years or so I have started to experience so much bother with neighbours.They just don't understand that the way my Brain is wired I communicate differently and respond differently.

I am very kind and gentle and mean no harm however these people have made my life hell group bullying and making out I harass and stalk because on some occasions when I have made reasonable requests I have been ignored.I ask again then I get accused of the above.

They have managed now to get the Council to issue a CPW remember the old Asbo nice! They have also got the police now to investigate and I am in limbo while I rigorously defend myself.

Luckily I have found professional support and have a wonderful Sister to support me but at times I have felt fed up and down by all this.

it seems from my understanding that Society has not got a clue about Autism and expects myself to engage the same way as a non Autistic person.I have tried to use the example of would you punish someone in a wheelchair for not being able to run.The term reasonable adjustments is superb but seems to have no currency.I even sometimes wear an Autism Lanyard and get no consideration.

Ayone got any thoughts or had experience of this 

  • Just another observation for you all to be amused by.I love my cats I have even been accused when I call them in or go looking for them I am manufacturing this to cause contact and upset to the neighbours!

    The same has ben said when I collect my post from the post box that I do it deliberately when they are out.

    it seems for the Autistic people, the right to a normal life is non existent

  • Just like we gay people, we autistic people will never really be considered “normal” and we will be continue to be labelled as “freaks and weirdos” even though many of us don’t want to be gay or autistic, we just want to be seen as “normal” (whatever that is) 

  • Just like we gay people, we autistic people will never really be considered “normal” and we will be continue to be labelled as “freaks and weirdos” even though many of us don’t want to be gay or autistic, we just want to be seen as “normal” (whatever that is) 
