Getting my autistic son to communicate his feelings

I am reaching out for some help and advice for my 10yr old son. 

My son has really good verbal and communication skills, but it’s clear he struggles to discuss his emotions with myself and his mum. 
We have noticed that the other kids at school see him as different and as such end up either excluding him or bullying him. He sometimes gets upset by this, other times shrugs it off as all he wants to do is feel included and part of the peer group (we’ve seen some of this on text between others and sometimes at parties or football where we obviously have a keen eye on what’s going on).

We haven’t discussed his ASD with him yet and nor do his peers understand this, but it hurts to see that he won’t discuss what goes on and we are stuck with what to do worrying that the lother it goes on the harder it will be to get him to talk about those feelings. 

Any advice is welcomed.


  • It took me years even decades to figure out how I felt in the past. And I did it with help of knowledge and awareness of my condition. Without it it could have been still impossible for me. I heard of some therapies for children with drawings showing level of positive or negative emotions but I don’t remember the name of it. I was frustrated for not being able to recognize and verbalise my emotions and needs, I knew I felt something but couldn’t name it. It led me to more meltdowns. Now it’s much easier. I have a very good memory so I remember the chemistry of particular emotion in particular situation. It’s also important for me in my journey. I saw here on this site is a quidance how and when to disclose the diagnosis to the child and how to talk about emotions. I think help of a therapist will be also needed. Unfortunately I can’t copy the links to the articles 

  • It took me years even decades to figure out how I felt in the past. And I did it with help of knowledge and awareness of my condition. Without it it could have been still impossible for me. I heard of some therapies for children with drawings showing level of positive or negative emotions but I don’t remember the name of it. I was frustrated for not being able to recognize and verbalise my emotions and needs, I knew I felt something but couldn’t name it. It led me to more meltdowns. Now it’s much easier. I have a very good memory so I remember the chemistry of particular emotion in particular situation. It’s also important for me in my journey. I saw here on this site is a quidance how and when to disclose the diagnosis to the child and how to talk about emotions. I think help of a therapist will be also needed. Unfortunately I can’t copy the links to the articles 

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