Is youth wasted on the young? I think not.

I now under why the youth on this site are annoyed with the so call older and wiser generation. When the see, youth is wasted on the young.

What sort of message is that to the younger members of the group.  A lot of the problems with the youth is caused by society.

The constant bombardment of ads and must have adverts just so a few can earn vast amounts of money. Lots of adults do not see this either.

Kid are encouraged to sit in their rooms for hour after hour playing computer games. Lots of these games are just full of violence, which over time desensitises them to violence  it is just a game to them.

How many parents sit toddles in front of the tv for a bit of quiet time or buy the older children computer games. Then complain about them spending all their time in their room.

Parents giving mobile phones to younger and younger children. The art of communication is lost to text messages.

I would not say the youth is wasted on the youth, more that they have been programmed to behave like this.  Would like to see some of your comments.

  • It's a joke, about the fact that when us "oldies" were young we didn't have the wisdom and experience we do now, and a lot of us would like to be transported back into our younger, fitter bodies with our memories intact to give life another go, as we think we could do it better now.

    Unfortunately it seems that social and mainstream media these days is very keen on division, and one of those divisions they are trying to create is between the young and old. We mustn't let ourselves be conned into this.

    I'm old, and I like to see young people join this forum. I hope that I can sometimes help them by sharing my life experiences, knowledge, and observations, and I like to hear about what their lives are like, what they enjoy, and how it affects someone to be diagnosed earlier than I was.

    We are all unique and valuable.

  • It's a joke, about the fact that when us "oldies" were young we didn't have the wisdom and experience we do now, and a lot of us would like to be transported back into our younger, fitter bodies with our memories intact to give life another go, as we think we could do it better now.

    Unfortunately it seems that social and mainstream media these days is very keen on division, and one of those divisions they are trying to create is between the young and old. We mustn't let ourselves be conned into this.

    I'm old, and I like to see young people join this forum. I hope that I can sometimes help them by sharing my life experiences, knowledge, and observations, and I like to hear about what their lives are like, what they enjoy, and how it affects someone to be diagnosed earlier than I was.

    We are all unique and valuable.

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